Travel Prep webinars

Couldn’t make it to our webinars? No worries, we’ve recorded them for you to watch at your convenience.

Côte d'Ivoire Travel with Purpose - Preparing for you journey

To watch the full webinar, please watch this playlist in order, or feel free to look through the clips below to find specific information

Welcome and background :

Alicia Koné provides background as to why Koné Consulting is planning this Travel with Purpose trip to Côte d'Ivoire

Passport preparations :

Christina discusses what steps you need to take to have your passport ready for travel to Côte d'Ivoire.


Travel vaccines :

Christina Watson and Alicia Koné discuss travel preparations for our travel with purpose trip to Côte d'Ivoire.

Volunteer opportunities :

Alicia introduces a couple volunteer opportunities that we are excited to be partnering with while we are in Côte d'Ivoire.

Questions and comments :

Alicia Koné and Christina Watson answer some questions we received durning our webinar.