Top Ten Binder Clip Hacks
Welcome! If you’ve arrived at this page, you must be a Koné Consulting insider! Whether a friend, client, colleague, collaborator (or all of the above), we want to thank you for being on this journey with us. In honor of October - the tenth month in the year of our 10th Anniversary - we hope you enjoy our top ten uses for binder clips. We look forward to many more years together.
# 1 Coralling Files
Let’s face it. With all our technology and cloud storage, we still have important papers to file. Use a binder clip to keep files from slipping and sliding as you search for that all-important document you must’ve put somewhere.
And while you’re at it, we invite you to set up an “I love ME” file for cards, commendations and certificates you receive over the years. When you’re rallying for an important meeting or pitch, take out the file and remind yourself how AWESOME you are!
# 2 Razor Blade Binder - Safety First!
As a virtual company, one of our favorite activities is visiting client sites in person*. We’ve learned a thing or two from our time on the road — binder clips come in handy as razor safety covers, or to clip together errant hotel curtains. (And while we’re at it, we really like checking out your favorite hometown eateries, too!)
*We’re hopeful all our travels - personal and professional - with resume again in the not- too-distant future!
# 3 Money Management
Traveling light? Keep it all in one place by simply clipping some cash and your key and you’re ready to dash out the door. Great for concerts, summer festivals and fairs**.
** When we created this list in November 2019, we had no idea the what was in store for 2020 - more often than not, this binder hack is used for socially distanced visits to the summer market and outdoor coffee dates/walks with friends.
# 4 Mini-desk Drive-In
Full disclosure: you may want to wear a pair of safety glasses for this one as you will need to bend the two bottom “levers” for holding your phone, not to mention when placing the back clip to secure the two front clips. We had with clips flying all over the office!
# 5 Cables, Cords and Earbuds, Oh My!
An oldie but a goodie. Use binder clips to organize and keep cords tidy. The wide array of colorful clips make cord identification extra easy, too!
# 6 Stacking Not Standing
Keeping our office fridge well-stocked with refreshing beverages is made easier with binder clips – a helpful alternative if you’re short on – er – vertical space.
# 7 Balancing Act
We believe work-life balance is key to our success here at Koné Consulting. However you choose to “paint” your life, we hope it is vibrant and fulfilling!
# 8 Stay Sharp
Keeping kitchen knives sharp is easy with a binder clip as your guide. “Give me a sharp knife and a sharp cheese and I’m a happy man.” – George R. R. Martin.
Us too, George, us too.
# 9 Roll As You Go…
Get the most from your toothpaste and avoid pesky crumpled tubes with this handy hack. Great for hand lotion and other salves, too! PS – toothpaste has high hack-ability, too, from preventing mirrors from fogging to removing scuffs from shoes.
# 10 Navigating Your Drive
Navigate hands-free on the road with this handy (see what we did there?) binder clip trick. A couple rubber bands, a binder clip, and this tutorial will have you on the road in no time.