Introducing Rebecca Sevin

Hello Koné Consulting blog readers!

I’m Rebecca Sevin, and I joined the Koné team early November 2021. I’m a dedicated sociologist with a BA, MA, and (hopefully!) a PHD in sociology next year. Prior to joining Koné I worked as an adjunct professor teaching sociology and gender and women’s studies courses for six years. During that time, I did similar work to Koné’s working on non-profit and government projects for the Kercher Center for Social Research, including as principal researcher and research team supervisor. I consider myself a multi-method researcher with experience in semi-structured interviews, focus groups, survey design, and regression analysis. I am first author of two peer-reviewed quantitative journal articles, co-author of a chapter in The Cambridge Handbook of Cyber Behavior, and I have presented my research at national and regional conferences. My research specialties are technology, gender, and intersectionality. I am excited to be applying academic expertise to real world issues and contribute to data-driven decision making through Koné Consulting. 

In my free time I enjoy video games, all forms of arts and crafts, and quality pet time. I have a sweet cat named Kiki, and I regularly borrow my parents’ dog, Gus, much to his delight. I’m particularly fond of using watercolor, pen, and gouache, but lately it has been hard to pull away from the games Fallout 76 and Cozy Grove.

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