So Close to Our Fundraising Goal!

The Shea Butter Masterclass is approaching and we are very close to our fundraising goal. Madame Kouadio needs about 2,000 dollars for food, drinks and space for all the women on Saturday, March 26. The participants will pay a small entrance fee to attend, but many of the girls cannot afford it. The young entrepreneur women in Côte d’Ivoire need our support to break out of the cycle and become financially independent.

All donations go toward offsetting workshop expenses and the more we raise, the more women we can help learn how to make, market, and sell their own Shea butter products (and teach others to do the same!), thereby creating more income for themselves and their families.

If you would like to donate, please click the button below.


Alternatively, make out checks to Koné Consulting and mail them to:

ATTN: Christina Watson
P.O. Box 8313
Tacoma, WA 98419

Merci beaucoup and bonne journée!

 - Christina

Koné Consulting

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