Partner Spotlight: Camilia Majette

We are excited to feature Camilia Majette and Nailah’s Shea in this Partner Spotlight. 

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Camilia Majette was born into a family with luscious history; her mother comes from Zanzibar Island, East Africa’s spice capital, and her father from Rich Square, North Carolina. Camilia’s journey began as a pharmacy technician in college, where she started to discover the myriad toxins and poisons that were used in everyday skin care products. As her children began to develop skin conditions, she decided to create an all-natural solution to not only help her family but others – and Nailah’s Shea was born. Her business strives to provide affordable premium natural beauty and body care solutions that are ethically sourced by only using Fair Trade certified organic Shea butter, and organic essential oils, herbs, and spices. 

Since then, Nailah’s Shea has been a success. Camilia was voted North Carolina’s minority Businessperson of the Year in 2018 and was invited to speak at eBay’s HQ Global Leadership Convention in 2019. She is also involved with numerous organizations supporting women’s businesses and building bridges between immigrant and non-immigrant communities.

Camilia met Alicia Koné through Camilia’s husband, with whom Alicia was working on a USDA FNS project. With their African connection, their relationship led to a consideration of partnership in opening fair trade for Shea butter from Côte d'Ivoire (CI) and the possibility of working with women in CI to create their own natural product-line businesses to help support themselves and their family, the kind of economic development and women’s self-sufficiency that both Alicia and Camilia have always had a passion for. 

We invite you to explore the products carried by Nailah’s Shea and are happy to be partnering with others doing good work for good reasons. If you’d like to learn more about Camilia, click here.

Koné Consulting

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