A retrospective on our in-person all staff meeting

Our most recent in-person all staff meeting

After being postponed on multiple occasions, our KC team was finally able to get together for our first in-person all staff meeting of the year on Friday, April 16. We were all excited to see each other face to face, and for some of us, we got to meet in-person for the first time. The newest members to our team were brought on in the last few months, so we haven’t had the chance to interact outside of a virtual setting, but as more of our team has been able to receive the COVID vaccine, we felt that it was safe to hold an outdoor meeting. For those who traveled from the east coast to meet with us, they got to enjoy an occasional sunny day in Edmonds, signaling the start of spring for those of us in the Pacific Northwest. 

Coming together as a group for the first time in months, we got the chance to go over our goals and values as an organization, and made sure our new members all caught up with what we stand for. We believe that having like-minded goals and values makes us stronger as a team, and adds value to the work we do for clients, as well as each other internally. While we were technically meeting to discuss our business and share updates, it was still a social event, and we even had our breakfast and lunch catered by a local food service company. 

Being that this was the first time that many of us had seen Alicia since her return from Côte d’Ivoire (CI), we also had a chance to hear about her trip, as well as open personalized gifts she had both brought home and hand-made for each of us. Traveling during a pandemic is no easy task, and based on Alicia’s experiences traveling to and from CI, we are continuing to edit the structure of the CI tour at the end of this year. 

If you are interested in traveling to CI with us, or would like to hear more about our itinerary, click here

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