WEL African Arts Creation


Some of you may remember when we celebrated the beginning of our work with one of our partner organizations in Côte d’Ivoire, NGO Women Entrepreneurs and Leaders (WEL), who work to teach local women economic independence and leadership. We are happy to provide an update on the progress that has since been achieved.

WEL completed their first round of interviews with potential African Arts Creations trainees on April 24th and are working tirelessly towards their Launch Ceremony planned in July 2021. In conjunction, Koné Consulting will soon begin a new campaign to collect donations to support WEL’s cause.

WEL has set up hybrid training courses (part in-person, and part online), which will take place every Saturday. During this training, women and girls will receive their assignments and then meet online later that same week to review each other’s progress and connect over what they have learned / are learning.

We are proud to be a part of this effort, which emphasizes the importance of fostering welcoming, uplifting environments for women and girls all over the world. We are happy to live in a world in which we can support those in need both locally and around the globe. To find out more about this project or learn about donation options, please visit our African Arts Creation fundraiser page. If you’d like to read more information about our West African partners, please see our partner page.

We will be visiting NGO WEL during our 2021-2022 CI trip. Find out more on our Discover Côte d’Ivoire page at the link below.

Koné Consulting

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