Our Values at Koné Consulting

Upon meeting at our first in-person all staff meeting of the year, our team at KC had the chance to brainstorm some of the company values we feel embody the work we do. Each team member wrote down a few values that exemplified what we individually stand for in our work, and out of these we further consolidated and grouped our values by similarity. After each of our team members’ values were categorized, we were left with four umbrella categories that we feel represent our collective values. These four categories are as follows: Valuing Devotion to Client Results, Valuing Initiating, Practicing, and Managing Change, Valuing Building Compassionate Relationships on Integrity and Trust, and Nurturing Growth and Being Accessible.

To us, valuing devotion to client results means leaving our clients satisfied, critically listening to feedback in order to improve client results, providing world class customer service, and getting client work done in a timely manner. Each of these individual values convey our devotion to client results, and the public servant mindset that we have when interacting with them.

Valuing initiating, practicing, and managing change speaks to the flexibility and depth within our team, and the belief that we work better when we do the work we are most confident doing.

When we value building compassionate relationships on integrity and trust, not only does this happen externally with the clients we serve, but also internally between the members of our team. Holding a safe space for transparent communication and making sure that everyone has a voice are ways we show our team that each individual is valued.

In order to make sure our team is in a position to do their best work each and every day, we try to create a productive working environment by nurturing growth and being accessible to one another. Internally, we emphasize providing support for areas of work that individuals on our team are less confident or have less experience in. This includes respecting others and ourselves by asking for help when we need it, and by knowing our own and our coworkers’ boundaries in terms of workload.

We know that if we continue to emphasize these values on a daily basis and hold each other accountable, we can continue to serve the needs of our clients and internal team while providing the best client results that we can.

Koné Consulting

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