Koné Consulting’s 11th Anniversary!

As we at Koné celebrate our 11th anniversary, we are humbled to be celebrating the survival of our small business in the wake of COVID-19, which would have been impossible without the amazing dedication of our team, federal assistance, and the admirable drive of our clients.

 Koné was fortunate to receive funding both through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) via the Small Business Administration (SBA), which kept us afloat in a time of great need and uncertainty, like millions of other small business in the U.S. We are convinced that we would have had to shut our doors if it hadn’t been for this much needed assistance.

 As you know from following us, our mission is to work every day to solve the social problem of inequality in income and opportunities. The issue of inequality became especially relevant in handling the impact the pandemic has had on not only families and individuals, but small businesses, especially minority-owned small businesses. The Federal Reserve estimates 200,000 additional small businesses closed as a result of the pandemic, which was terrible but lower than feared. A recent survey by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and MetLife shows minority-owned businesses have been harder hit. The good news is 74% of all small businesses surveyed said it was important to support local Black-owned small businesses, showing how important it is for small business owners to support and lift up each other. We feel extremely fortunate to be able to come out of this year on our feet and we’re excited to continue to do good work for our inspiring clients. Happy 11th birthday KC!

Koné Consulting

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