Empowered women: Menzan Aman Sahiri Solange

You may have noticed how often we have been speaking about Women Entrepreneurs and Leaders (WEL) NGO lately and it is for good reason. Our partnership with WEL NGO is important to us because they are making real change in Côte d’Ivoire. Over the next three weeks, we will be sharing testimonials from actual women who have gone through their trainings. You will hear words of empowerment and success and stories of breaking limiting gender norms. You can support WEL NGO and the women they empower by going to our African Art House page and making a donation.

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My name is Menzan Aman Sahiri Solange. I am 27 years old and I have never known my parents. I was continuously told that I should stop going to school so I could get married. They told me studying would never benefit me as a woman.

I lived in Bouaké where I spent my time in a technical training school called College d'Enseignement Technique (CET) where I studied Metallurgy. There, I participated in a program called the “Impact my Community Campaign"  which was organized by WEL NGO specifically for schools.

During that program we had a chance to learn about Entrepreneurship.

Before going to this this training, I didn't know which path to follow for my career, I didn’t even know that wealth was attainable.

Thanks to this program I have learned how to write a business plan and how to have fixed, clear objectives. During the “talks with guests,” I understood that as a woman, I have power and that gender stereotypes should not limit me.  

 I was filled with self-confidence. I got my degree (BTS Ouvrage Métallique ) the same year as the program.

Even though I was an orphan who struggled, this program gave me motivation to succeed in life.

Now, I have a retail business in construction rods that I started in 2020 and I am currently pursuing an internship in a mining company.

I still continue to follow WEL NGO for coaching and support.

Blessed be the day I met them.

Koné Consulting

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